
Case Van Moer - Employee Engagement

Written by Arteel | September 27, 2023

When it comes to increasing employee satisfaction, one-time reward and appreciation initiatives are not enough. They simply do not create a sustainable connection with the organisation. Together with Arteel, Van Moer Logistics’ HR department developed the appreciation programme “Blue Diamond” to reward behaviours aligned with the company's objectives and values. CEO Jo Van Moer and HR Director Yves Webb explain why it has been remarkably successful.

A challenging sector.

The logistics sector is not immune to major challenges, and Van Moer Logistics recognises this. As the logistics company experienced rapid growth, safety became a significant concern. Overhead costs also needed to be urgently addressed. The high turnover rate among truck drivers was also a major focus area.

“The HR department had already implemented several one-shot initiatives, but they weren’t enough to create sustainable behavioural change,” explains Yves.

HR sought solutions: How could they align everyone? In what ways could they incentivise exemplary behaviour and foster long-term employee engagement with the organisation?

Shine like a diamond.

Blue Diamond is a strategic appreciation programme where each employee can earn points for reaching milestones such as birthdays and anniversaries, or exceptional results such as safety achievements.

"If someone encourages colleagues to work more safely, they should be rewarded." - Jo Van Moer, CEO.

Points are awarded in the form of "Jo-kers," referencing the CEO's first name, Jo Van Moer. "If someone encourages colleagues to work more safely, they should be rewarded," he emphasises

The blue colour of the Jo-kers is also reflected in the Van Moer Logistics logo. The diamond represents the way they want their employees to shine by consistently appreciating and rewarding them.

Real impact.

Saving points for something tangible (such as a gift, voucher, training, or city trip) has a much stronger psychological impact than a salary increase or a one-time bonus or gift. When employees save points and see why they receive them through their dashboard, it creates more visibility and a sense of connection. Arteel's offering automatically integrates with payroll, streamlining administration. But most importantly, it creates results.

Jo proudly shares the impressive results he sees among the "Vanmoerianen," the large company family. "In the Transport Business Unit, driver turnover decreased by 20% in 2021. Damages were reduced by nearly 49%, and fuel consumption decreased by 3.5% compared to the baseline. Workplace accidents decreased by 27.5%, while customer satisfaction significantly increased." Impressive numbers that show real impact!

Intussen is CEO Jo Van Moer zelf de grootste ambassadeur geworden van het ‘Blue Diamond’-programma. Samen met Yves Hebb is hij er niet alleen in geslaagd om de veiligheidscultuur en de kwaliteit te verbeteren, maar heeft het waarderingsbeleid ook een positieve impact op de financiële gezondheid van de organisatie. 

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